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Title: Graph Coloring using Distributed Bactracking with Sessions (DBS) algorithms
Author: Ionel Muscalagiu, Jose M. Vidal
This is the implementation of the Distributed Bactracking with Sessions (DBS) algorithms for the graph coloring problem.. We generate and solve the graph coloring problem using the Distributed Bactracking with Sessions (DBS) algorithms from

In this paper, it is presented an algorithm for DisCSP resolution, called Distributed Backtracking with Sessions (DBS) which does not use such additional links so that the initial problem’s topology is respected. This algorithm is complete and requires a low space complexity. The main feature of this algorithm is to use the concept of
sessions to provide a context for the exchanged messages.

Unlike most DisCSP algorithms such as ABT, DBS priority does not consist in minimizing the number of exchanged messages but aims at minimizing the time required to process a message.

Another characteristic of DBS consists in using the concept of sessions to provide a context for each exchanged message. Moreover, these sessions allow the use of heuristics to remove obsolete messages containied in the inboxes (messages awaiting process) of each agent without eliminating possible solutions from the problem.


; Distributed Bactracking with Sessions (DBS) algorithms for the graph-coloring problem
; by Ionel Muscalagiu ( ) 
; and Jose Vidal

breed [ nodes ]
breed [ edges ]
breed [ weights ]

;nodes = agents
;each undirected edge goes from a to b
edges-own [a b weight-a weight-b wa-turtle wb-turtle  number-of-edges ]
weights-own [sw1 sw2] 
;the-links list of neighbor nodes (but the-links is a list of the 'who' of all nodes that have a constraint with me)
;the-neighbors the same but as an agentset
;neighbors-list is a list of the initial neighbors nodes 
;done boolean that says if node (agent) is done or not

;message-queue contains the incoming messages. We take new ones out from the head.
;Agent_view is a list containing triple [[x0 v0 s0] [x1 v1 s1] ...] where vi =value, si= session.
;Current_session = Self's current session
;Current_value = Self's current value
;receivedBtVal is a list used  to know values in Dself which have alredy received a backtrack request 
;totalBtSet is a list containing triple [xi vi si] = this set allows self to transmit a backtrack message addressed to an agent in totalBtSet
;listeBT is a list containing triple [xi vi s] = is used to proceed a backtrack message to an agent contained in listeBT
;-1 = NULL in this implementation
;messages-recieved is the number of messages this vertice has received.
;nogood_list is the list of nogood received

nodes-own [the-links neighbors-list the-neighbors message-queue ChildrenA ParentA  Current_value Current_session Agent_view 
           receivedBtVal totalBtSet propose
           messages-received messages-received_ok messages-received_nogood nr_constraintc AgentC_Cost Forbidden_Pairs gt ]

globals [x-max y-max diam friction tot-edges filename tick1 stoptick init-power-edges domain-color-list 
         total-conflict-pairs no-more-messages done tmp nr_cicluri nn scris gata] 

to setup-globals  ; separate procedure for setting globals
  let i 0
  set diam 4
  set tick1 0
  set stoptick -2  ; set to some number to stop, generally for image collections
  set x-max max-pxcor - (diam / 2) + 1; 0.5
  set y-max max-pycor - (diam / 2) + 1; 0.5
  set filename "" ; change to collect images (or just use command center after setup)
  set-default-shape nodes "circle"
  set-default-shape edges "line"
  set friction .25
  set init-power-edges 2
  set tot-edges min list round (number-of-nodes * edge-ratio) 
                         ((number-of-nodes ^ 2 - number-of-nodes) / 2)
  set domain-color-list []
  set i 0
  while [i < number-colors][
        set domain-color-list lput item i [15 105 64 125 45 85 35 55 5] domain-color-list
        set i i + 1

to setup  ; Setup the model for a run, build a graph.
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set-default-shape weights "none"

to setup-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor white]

to setup-turtles
  create-nodes number-of-nodes [
    set color one-of domain-color-list
    ;set color item (random-int-or-float num-colors) domain
    set Current_value position color domain-color-list
    set label-color black
    set size diam
    set the-links []
    set label who
    setxy random-float (x-max) * (2 * (random 2) - 1)
          random-float (y-max) * (2 * (random 2) - 1)

to setup-power-graph  ; Build a powerlaw graph
  let n 0
  let prob 0
  let p 0
  let elist 0
  let t1 0
  let t2 0
  set prob (list turtle 0)
  repeat min list init-power-edges (floor number-of-nodes / 3) [
    ask last prob [connect-edge turtle (length prob)]
    set prob lput turtle (length prob) prob

  set elist n-values (number-of-nodes - length prob) [1]
  while [reduce [?1 + ?2] elist < (tot-edges - count edges)] [
      set n random length elist
      set elist replace-item n elist (1 + item n elist)
  while [length elist > 0] [
    set t1 turtle (number-of-nodes - length elist)
    set p prob
    repeat min list [who] of t1 first elist [
      set t2 one-of p
      ask t1 [connect-edge t2]
      set p remove t2 p
      set prob lput t1 prob
      set prob lput t2 prob
    set elist but-first elist

to setup-random-graph  ; Build a random graph

  let t 0
  let t1 0
  let g 0
  set g (list turtle 1)
  while [length g < number-of-nodes] [
    set t1 one-of nodes with [not member? self g]
    set t item random length g g
    ask t1 [connect-edge t]
    set g subgraph turtle 1
  while [count edges < tot-edges] [
    set t  one-of nodes
    set t1 one-of nodes with [self != t and not member? t the-links]
    if t1 != nobody [ask t1 [connect-edge t]]

to-report subgraph [n]  ; report the complete connected subgraph containing n1
  let stack 0
  let graph 0
  set graph (list n)
  set stack (list n)
  while [length stack > 0] [
    foreach [the-links] of first stack [
      if not member? ? graph [
        set graph lput ? graph
        set stack lput ? stack
    set stack but-first stack
  report graph

to graph-edges  ; Make a simple edge histogram
  set-current-plot "edge-distribution"
  set-plot-x-range 1  1 + max [length the-links] of nodes
  histogram  [length the-links] of nodes

; The run procedure which makes the model take one step.
; It moves the nodes so that we get a better layout. You can also click on a node and move it by hand.
to go  
  let t 0
  if filename = 0 [setup] ; an attempt to work even tho user forgets setup
  if stoptick = -1 [stop]
  if mouse-down? [
    set t closest-xy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor nodes ;
    while [mouse-down?] [
      ask t [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
      ask edges with [a = t or b = t][adjust-edge]

to step  ; Adjust the edges and nodes for one step of the model
  let delta 0
without-interruption [
  ask edges [
    set delta (spring-force * (size - spring-length)) / 2.0
    ask a [set heading towards-nowrap [b] of myself jump-nowrap delta]
    ask b [set heading towards-nowrap [a] of myself jump-nowrap delta]
  ask nodes [
    ask nodes with [self != myself] [
      set delta distance-nowrap myself
      set delta mutual-repulsion / (delta * delta)
      set heading towards-nowrap myself
      jump-nowrap (- delta)
  ask edges [adjust-edge]

;;;; Edge & Node utilities
to connect-edge [other-node] ; node proc: attach an edge between self and other
 hatch 1 [
    set breed edges
    set a myself
    set b other-node
    set weight-a 1
    set weight-b 1
    hatch 1 [
      set breed weights
      ;set ([wa-turtle] of myself) self
      set sw1 myself
      ask sw1 [set wa-turtle self]
      set label ([weight-a] of myself)]
    hatch 1 [
      set breed weights
      ;set ([wb-turtle] of myself) self
      set sw2 myself
      ask sw2  [set wb-turtle self]
      set label ([weight-b] of myself)]
    ask a [set the-links lput [b] of myself the-links]
    ask b [set the-links lput [a] of myself the-links]
    set color black
    set label ""

to-report sign [num]
  ifelse num < 0 [report -1][report 1]

to-report closest-xy [x y agent-set]  ; Return closest agent to x, y
  report min-one-of agent-set [distancexy-nowrap x y]

to jump-nowrap [dist] ; turtle proc: jump but don't wrap, bounce w/ friction instead
  let x 0
  let y 0
  set x xcor + dist * dx
  set y ycor + dist * dy
  if (abs x) > x-max [set x sign x * (x-max - (1 - friction) * ((abs x) - x-max))]
  if (abs y) > y-max [set y sign y * (y-max - (1 - friction) * ((abs y) - y-max))]
  setxy x y

to adjust-edge ; edge proc: reattach to a & b nodes
  setxy [xcor] of b [ycor] of b
  set heading towards-nowrap a
  fd diam / 2 + 1
  ;set ([xcor] of wb-turtle) xcor
  ask  wb-turtle [ set xcor [xcor] of myself ]

  ;set ([ycor] of wb-turtle) ycor
  ask wb-turtle [ set ycor [ycor] of myself ]
  setxy [xcor] of a [ycor] of a
  set size distance-nowrap b - diam
  set heading towards-nowrap b
  fd diam / 2 + 1
  ;set ([xcor] of wa-turtle) xcor
  ask  wa-turtle [ set xcor [xcor] of myself ]
  ;set ([ycor] of wa-turtle) ycor
  ask wa-turtle [ set ycor [ycor] of myself ]
  setxy [xcor] of a [ycor] of a
  jump (size / 2) + (diam / 2)

to-report make-list [num element]
  let i 0
  let result 0
  set i 0
  set result []
  while [i < num] [
    set result lput element result
    set i i + 1
  report result

to-report copy-list [l]
  let r 0
  set r []
  foreach l [
    set r lput ? r]
  report r

; n is length of list
; el is the element
to-report get-list [n el]
  let i 0
  let lst 0
  set i 0
  set lst []
  while [i < n] [
    set lst fput el lst
    set i i + 1]
  report lst

to ComputeParentA_ChildrenA
let i 0
set ChildrenA []
set ParentA []
;show the-neighbors
foreach neighbors-list
  if (? > who )  
    [set ChildrenA lput ? ChildrenA]
  if (? < who )  
    [set ParentA lput ? ParentA]

to-report verifica_solutia
let good 0
  let i 0
set good true
ask nodes

 foreach neighbors-list 
  if (? < who and Conflict who  ?  Current_value [Current_value] of turtle ? )
  set good false
  show (word "Conflict "  who  " cu "  ?)
if good 
[show "Good solution!"]
report good

to WriteSolution
show "Solution "
ask nodes [
write (word Current_value  " ")


to WriteMasuratoriFisier
let tnogood 0
let tok 0
let tcc 0
let tcca 0
let nrcic 0
file-open "rez.txt"
set tnogood sum ([messages-received_nogood] of nodes)
set tok sum ([messages-received_ok] of nodes)
set tcc sum ( [nr_constraintc] of nodes)
set tcca max ( [AgentC_Cost] of nodes) 
file-print (word tnogood  " "  tok   " "  tcc  " "  tcca  " " nr_cicluri)


;get the next message from message-queue
to-report retrieve-message
  let msg 0
  without-interruption [
    set msg first message-queue
    set message-queue butfirst message-queue]
  report msg

to receive-message [msg]
  without-interruption [
    set message-queue lput msg message-queue]

;;;DBS algorithm

;Initialize the DBS algorithm 
to setup-DBS

    ask nodes [
    set the-neighbors nodes with [member? self ([the-links] of myself)]
    set neighbors-list []
    ask nodes[
    ask  the-neighbors
     set neighbors-list lput [who] of myself neighbors-list
     set neighbors-list sort  neighbors-list
  ask nodes [
    set messages-received 0
    set messages-received_ok 0
    set messages-received_nogood 0
    set nr_constraintc 0
    set AgentC_Cost 0
    set Agent_view get-list number-of-nodes []
    set gt 0
    set message-queue []
    set receivedBtVal []
    set Current_session 0
    ;set Current_value 0
    set propose get-list number-colors false
    set propose replace-item Current_value propose true
    set TotalbtSet []
    set-current-plot "Messages"
    ;set Current_value 0
  ;create-temporary-plot-pen (word "n-" who)
  ;  set-plot-pen-color (who * 10 + 5) mod 140
  ask nodes [
  ;set childrenAExtended childrenA
  set done false
  set nr_cicluri 0
  set gata false
  set scris false

to go-DBS
  set no-more-messages true
  set nr_cicluri nr_cicluri + 1
  ask-concurrent nodes [
    ;show message-queue
    if (not empty? message-queue)[
      set no-more-messages false]]
  if (no-more-messages) [
   if verifica_solutia
     WriteMasuratoriFisier ]
  if (done)
   [show "No solution"
  ask-concurrent nodes [handle-message]

to initialize
 let msg 0
   foreach childrenA
     set msg (list "ok" (list who Current_value Current_session) AgentC_Cost)
     ask nodes with [who = ? ]
         [receive-message msg]

;this is the messages process procedure 
;set msg (list "ok" (list who Current_value Current_session) AgentC_Cost)
;set msg (list "nogood" (list who Current_value Current_session) BtSet AgentC_Cost)
to handle-message
  let msg 0
  let xj 0
  let dj 0
  let SenderC_Cost 0
  if (empty? message-queue) [ set gt 1
  if (not empty? message-queue) 
  set gt 0    
  set msg retrieve-message
  ;show msg
  if (first msg = "stop")
   [set done true
  if (first msg = "ok")
      set messages-received_ok messages-received_ok + 1
      ProcessOk msg
  if (first msg = "nogood")
    set messages-received_nogood messages-received_nogood + 1
    set SenderC_Cost item 3 msg
    if SenderC_Cost > AgentC_Cost
      set AgentC_Cost SenderC_Cost
    ProcessNogood msg

;this is the Algorithm 1 from paper, when received msg "ok" (xj,dj,sj) SenderC_Cost from Aj
 to ProcessOk [msg ]
  let xj 0
  let dj 0
  let sj 0
  let SenderC_Cost 0
   set xj item 0 (item 1 msg)
   set dj item 1 (item 1 msg)
   set sj item 2 (item 1 msg)
   set SenderC_Cost item 2 msg
   if SenderC_Cost > AgentC_Cost
      set AgentC_Cost SenderC_Cost
   UpdateAgentView xj dj sj
   CheckAgentView xj "ok" 
 to ProcessOk1 [msg ]
  let xj 0
  let dj 0
  let sj 0
  let SenderC_Cost 0
  let lsj 0
   set xj item 0 (item 1 msg)
   set dj item 1 (item 1 msg)
   set sj item 2 (item 1 msg)
   set SenderC_Cost item 2 msg
   if SenderC_Cost > AgentC_Cost
      set AgentC_Cost SenderC_Cost
   if item xj agent_view != []
       [set lsj item 2 (item xj agent_view)]
   if sj >= lsj    
   [UpdateAgentView xj dj sj
   CheckAgentView xj "ok" 

;this is the Algorithm 2 from paper,  when received msg "nogood" (xj,dj,sj) BtSet SenderC_Cost    
 to ProcessNogood [msg ]
 ; show (word msg " si " receivedBtVal )
  let xj 0
  let dj 0
  let sj 0
  let BtSetR []
  let SenderC_Cost 0
   set xj item 0 (item 1 msg)
   set dj item 1 (item 1 msg)
   set sj item 2 (item 1 msg)
   set SenderC_Cost item 3 msg
   if SenderC_Cost > AgentC_Cost
      set AgentC_Cost SenderC_Cost
   ;if it is not obsolete then receivedBtVal and totalBtSet are updated.
   if ( (sj = Current_session) and (not member? dj receivedBtVal) )
    ;An accepted nogood is used to update receivedBtVal and totalBtSet
    set receivedBtVal lput dj receivedBtVal
    set BtSetR item 2 msg
    set totalBtSet UpdateSet BtSetR totalBtSet
   ; show (word "s-a actualizat-" totalBtSet)
    if dj = Current_value 
    [ set Current_value  -1
    CheckAgentView -1 "backtrack" 

;The operator update from paper is implemented 
to-report UpdateSet [AS BS]
 let Rez []
 let triple []
 let xj 0
 let ok 0
 let xja 0
 ifelse AS = [] 
 [ report BS] 
 [if BS = []
   [report AS] 
 set Rez AS
 foreach BS 
    set triple ?
    if triple != []
    set xj item 0 triple
    set ok 1
    foreach AS
      if ? != []
      set xja item 0 ?
      if (xja = xj ) 
       [set ok 0]
    if (ok = 1 ) 
      set Rez lput triple Rez 
;set Rez remove-duplicates Rez 
report Rez

;The operator update from paper is implemented 
to-report UpdateSet1 [Ag AS BS]
 let Rez []
 let triple []
 let xj 0
 let ok 0
 let xja 0
 set Rez AS
 foreach AS
    if ? != []
      set xja item 0 ?
      if (xja >= Ag )
       [set Rez remove ? Rez ]
 ifelse Rez = [] 
 [ report BS] 
 [if BS = []
   [report Rez] 
 foreach BS 
    set triple ?
    if triple != []
    set xj item 0 triple
    set ok 1
    foreach AS
      if ? != []
      set xja item 0 ?
      if (xja = xj ) 
       [set ok 0]
    if (ok = 1 ) 
      set Rez lput triple Rez 

report Rez

to UpdateAgentView [Xj Vj Sj ]
  ;show (word " in" xj Agent_view) 
  set Agent_view replace-item Xj Agent_view (list Xj Vj Sj)
  ;show (word " dupa" xj Agent_view) 

to Close_session
  set current_value -1
  set Current_session  Current_session + 1
  set receivedBtVal []
  set propose get-list number-colors false

;this is the Submit_assign procedure (Algorithm 4) in the DBS algorithm  
to Submit_assign [sd]
  let ok 0
  let msg []
  ;show (word d " ina- " ok)
  let  d 0 
  if ( sd = -1 )
  [ set d 0
    set ok 0
    while [ d < number-colors and ok = 0]
      [ if (item d propose = false)
            if Is-Consistent d 
             [ set ok 1
               set sd d    
        set d (d + 1)


  Set Current_value sd
  set propose replace-item sd propose true
  set msg (list "ok" (list who Current_value Current_session) AgentC_Cost)
  foreach childrenA
       ask nodes with [who = ? ]
              [receive-message msg]      

to-report Is-Consistent [value_c ]
  let i 0
  let consistent 0
  let triple []
  let v 0
  set consistent true
  set i 0
  while [ i < who ] ;for each agents < who
     ;set nr_constraintc nr_constraintc + 1
     ;set AgentC_Cost AgentC_Cost + 1
     set triple item i Agent_view
     if (triple != [] )
      set v item 1 triple
     if (triple != [] ) and  (Conflict  i who  v Value_c)
             set consistent false
      set i i + 1
    ;show consistent
    report consistent               

to-report Is-Consistent1 [value_c Ag]
  let i 0
  let consistent 0
  let triple []
  set consistent true
  let v 0
  set i 0
  while [ i <= Ag ] ;for each agents <= Ag
     ;set nr_constraintc nr_constraintc + 1
     ;set AgentC_Cost AgentC_Cost + 1
     set triple item i Agent_view
     if (triple != [] )
     set v item 1 triple
     if (triple != [] ) and  (Conflict i who  v Value_c)
             set consistent false
      set i i + 1
    ;show consistent
    report consistent               

to-report Conflict [who1 who2 value1 value2]
  let result 0
  let el 0
  let pos 0
  let element 0
  set nr_constraintc nr_constraintc + 1 
  set AgentC_Cost AgentC_Cost + 1
  if value1 = -1 or value2 = -1 
   show "Ha"
   report true
  set result false
  if (neighbors?  who1  who2) and (value1 = value2)
       ;show (word who1 "-" value1 "," who2 "-" value2 "," el  " - "  element)
       set result true
    report result

;this is the CheckAgentView procedure (Algorithm 5) in the DBS algorithm  
 to CheckAgentView [Ag msgt]
 let d 0
 let vd 0
 let ok 1  
 if (Ag != -1)
    set d 0
    set ok 1
    while [ d < number-colors and ok = 1]
    [   if (item d propose = false)
          if Is-Consistent1 d Ag = true
          ;if Is-Consistent d = true
           [ set ok 0 ]
         set d (d + 1) 
 ifelse (Ag != -1) and (ok = 1 )      
   [ Backtrack Ag msgt]
   [ set d 0
     set ok 1
      while [ d < number-colors and ok = 1]
        [if (item d propose = false)
           if Is-Consistent d  = true            
           [ set ok 0
             set vd d   
          set d (d + 1)
     ifelse ( ok = 0 )
       [Submit_assign vd]  
       [Backtrack -1 msgt] 

to-report CloseWho [S] 
  let i 0
  set i who - 1
 let triple  item i S
  while [triple = [] and i >= 0]
    set i i - 1
    set triple item i S 
 ; show (word i "-Close" S)
  report triple 

to-report MaxSet [S] 
  let i 0
  let maxa -1
  let triple []
  let t []
  foreach S
   set t ? 
   if t != [] and item 0 t >= maxa
   [set maxa item 0 t
    set triple t ]
  ;show (word triple "- Max " S)
  report triple

;;this is the BackTrack procedure (Algorithm 6) in the DBS algorithm     
 to BackTrack [Ag msgt]
 let msg 0
 let xp 0
 let vp 0
 let Agn 0
 let triple []
 let BtSet []
 let BtSet1 []
 let tr []
 let d 0
 let ok 1  
 ifelse (Ag != -1)
   set triple item Ag agent_view
   ;show (word "Caz Ag !=-1 " ag tr"-" triple " -" Agent_view)
   set BtSet UpdateSet1 Ag Agent_view totalBtSet
    set BtSet remove-duplicates BtSet
    set BtSet remove [] BtSet

  ifelse msgt ="ok" 
   set triple CloseWho Agent_view
   ;show (word "Caz Ag =-1 si ok " msg " " ag "-" triple " -" Agent_view)
   set Agn item 0 triple
   set BtSet UpdateSet1 Agn Agent_view totalBtSet
   set BtSet remove-duplicates BtSet
   set BtSet remove [] BtSet
    set BtSet UpdateSet agent_view totalBtSet
    set BtSet remove-duplicates BtSet
    set BtSet remove [] BtSet
    set triple MaxSet BtSet 
   ;show (word "Caz Ag =-1 si backtrack " msg " " ag "-" triple " -" BtSet) 
    set BtSet remove triple BtSet 

 if triple = [] 
   set done true 
   show "No solution"
   set msg "stop"
   receive-message msg
 set msg (list "nogood" triple BtSet AgentC_Cost who)
 set AgN item 0 triple     
 ask nodes with [who = AgN ]
     [receive-message msg]
 set TotalBtSet remove triple TotalBtSet
 foreach BtSet
 [ set tr ?
   if member? tr TotalBtSet
   [ set TotalBtSet remove ? TotalBtSet] 
 set xp item 0 triple 
 ifelse item xp Agent_view != [] 
 [set Agent_view replace-item xp Agent_view [] ]
 [if msgt = "backtrack"
  [ Close_Session
   Submit_assign -1

to-report neighbors? [v1 v2]
     report (member? v2 [neighbors-list] of turtle v1) or (member? v1 [neighbors-list] of turtle v2)